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Hypnosis & Therapy in Copenhagen




A large part of human behavior happens without conscious thinking and is controlled by our subconscious and unconscious mind.
Treatment under Hypnosis aims to work directly with the subconscious and unconscious, influencing feelings, thoughts, and behavior.

Hypnosis can be seen as a tool in therapeutic work and is never used on its own. Hence the name hypnotherapist.

Most people experience some passive hypnosis daily. Zooming out is a form of passive Hypnosis. ‘Being away’ in the middle of an activity and yet being in control of that activity is also passive Hypnosis.

When you are hypnotized, the condition is the same, but now there is an active subconscious communication between the one being hypnotized and the one hypnotizing. This means that many things about the person’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior can be transformed with the client’s consent.

No one can be hypnotized against their will. All Hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis can be experienced differently from time to time and can be experienced differently from person to person. It is a state of deep, pleasant relaxation and calmness, while increased attention and concentration can be experienced.

I offer Hypnosis at my clinic in central Copenhagen, where we can conduct the sessions in English or Danish.

I have experience in the following areas:
Stress and stress-related problems
Smoking cessation
Fear of Flying
Difficulty sleeping
Low self-esteem
Undesirable habits
Weight loss

Hypnosis is an effective tool that is extremely useful for efficiently resolving problems. Hypnosis is a simple way to eliminate phobias, anxiety, stress, old habits, etc.

It is thus an effective tool that can help you gain awareness of yourself and your reaction patterns to eliminate undesirable habits and behavior.


Stress also called the exhaustion syndrome, must be taken seriously. It is estimated that around 1,400 Danes die from stress each year—World Health Organization WHO warns that stress becomes the most important cause of disease.

Our body shows us signs when our brain has been working overtime for far too long. These signs manifest in the form of problems such as physical fatigue, memory problems, unexplained sadness, dizziness, irritability, decreased desire for sex, increased consumption of stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and sugar.

You may have been carrying far too much responsibility, far too much work, far too many thoughts, far too many speculations, problems in your private life, etc.

A series of reactions in the body to long-term stress ultimately ends with the adrenal glands producing the stress hormone cortisol, which is sent back to the brain via the blood. In a way, it poisons the brain, and symptoms of long-term stress appear.

Your system tries to communicate with you by sending signals that an overload is taking place. It is essential to listen. The problem with people who have lived with stress for a long time is that they have often stopped listening to the body’s signals. Thereby they are making the situation even worse.

In a stressful life, everything can become too much. Having a job is stressful. Not having a job is stressful. Being at work is stressful, and taking time off can be stressful.

Changing how you handle things is crucial and learning to take care of yourself is essential.

But above all, it allows the body to recover.


About 15-20% of all people in Denmark suffer from anxiety at some point.
Anxiety can be debilitating and life-limiting, leading to social isolation and avoidance behavior. Get effective help to get rid of anxiety using Hypnosis.

Different kinds of anxiety.

A panic attack is characterized as anxiety about certain things or episodes and can show up unexpectedly with difficulty breathing, palpitations, and dizziness. The anxiety attacks can be about the fear of dying, losing control, or being isolated, separated, and alone.

Social anxiety is about feeling uncomfortable or being uncomfortable in the company of other people.

Assuming that others evaluate you negatively causes feelings of inadequacy and incompetency.

General anxiety is a persistent condition not necessarily linked to specific things and causes. It usually occurs with depression, which can manifest in fear of the future and worries about everyday life. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as nervousness, difficulty sleeping, palpitations, excessive sweating, and dizziness.

Obsessive thoughts (OCD) can cause anxiety, stress, and self-blame. Often there is an element of compulsions, such as repetition of specific actions, frequent hand washing, repetition of inner phrases, and a notion that these compulsions or repetitions can neutralize the obsessions.

Post-traumatic anxiety, also called post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), occurs after people have been exposed to violent events such as assault, torture, traffic accidents, and the like.

Hypnosis is an excellent tool to decrease the symptoms and make life bearable again.

I offer Hypnosis for anxiety at my clinic in Central Copenhagen.


With Hypnosis, you can stop smoking and live a smoke-free life. After just one or a few sessions, you will experience a total smoke-free life without thinking about smoking.
The advantages of smoking cessation with Hypnosis include:

Better Health
Get rid of unpleasant odors
Feeling fit
More and better lung capacity
Ending the bad habit
Release from the addiction
Get your freedom back
Strengthen faith in yourself
You save money

The coziness – the social aspect that many smokers don’t want to lose, you get to keep 🙂 this is not removed during Hypnosis – only the eternal craving for cigarettes.

Improve your social life by quitting smoking.

With Hypnosis, you will be able to effortlessly say a final goodbye to smoking and make a smooth transition to complete cessation. If you are considering quitting, turn your thoughts into actions. Do something about it here and now. Do something good for yourself. Call and book an appointment today.


The Monkey and the Nuts

Once upon a time, there was a little monkey, and this
monkey was known for his obsessive focus on nuts. He
absolutely loved them! And as time passed, he spent so
much time and energy on acquiring and eating nuts, and
thinking about them all the time. Anyway, one day he was
out searching the forest, looking for delicious nuts. But
what he didn’t know was that a particular hunter had been
observing him. He was so preoccupied with getting nuts
that he hadn’t even been aware that he was being
This particular day, the hunter had laid a trap with which to
catch the little monkey. He’d placed the most delicious,
juicy-looking nut inside a narrow-necked glass bottle. And
of course, the monkey barely noticed the bottle as he
plunged his paw into the glass object and grabbed the nut,
making a fist. And now, when he tried to remove his paw,
he found that he couldn’t! Not whilst he still had the nut
clasped tightly. So in order to escape the hunter, he had to
let go of the nut, but he found himself being unable to do
so, because he was still so focussed on getting what he
thought he wanted. And he was still wondering how to eat
this nut when the hunter arrived and caught him.

Now, this seemingly simple story actually very clearly
illustrates some essential aspects to the addictive state of
mind. Habits are about expecting something you think and
believe you will get; fulfilling this expectation locks attention.
But be courageous; there is a way out 🙂


If you think you’re almost there and just need the final push:
1) Homework before we meet
2) Session at Nørregade 41, Copenhagen K. Duration approximately 1 hour.

If you’re struggling with it and have tried to quit several times before:
1) Homework before we meet.
2) Session at Nørregade 41, Copenhagen K. Duration approximately 1 hour.
3) If necessary, an ONLINE follow-up.
4) Motivational audio files you can use as much as you like afterwards.
Including before parties and social gatherings,
so you stay on track and reach your goal completely.


A phobia is a condition that can be experienced and recognized as unreasonable and cannot be controlled or mastered. In this situation, the anxiety felt by a person is often out of proportion to the actual circumstances. It is a state that is not accessible through logic, and it is not always possible to ‘talk’ the phobic condition away. Phobias limit your experience of living a

fulfilling life and can have significant social consequences.

It can be a single phobia, including fear of insects, spiders, snakes, dogs, cats, closed spaces, open spaces, flying, and heights.

It can also be a social phobia, a fear of being around people. Performance anxiety, speaking in small gatherings, and the fear of making a wrong impression.

The phobic condition can also worsen if the elements that cause anxiety are avoided. For example, discomfort while walking on the street can gradually lead to isolation. Past experiences can also condition phobias. For instance, the fear of driving can be the after-effect of a traffic accident.

Phobias are common, and many people may experience more than one phobia at any time. Phobias can be acquired or congenital. Therefore, through Hypnosis, you achieve a state where you can reach deep inside your subconscious and work with the parts that are affected by phobias.

There are approximately five hundred named phobias, so if you have a phobia about something, this is not uncommon – and can be treated!

In the vast majority of cases, it is relatively simple, through Hypnosis, to treat and remove a phobia.

Through Hypnosis, you process the cause of the phobia and remove the underlying fear. Hypnosis is a highly effective tool against phobias. I offer Hypnosis against phobias in my clinic in Central Copenhagen.

More about Hypnosis and Phobias

Hypnosis works with the subconscious. Hypnosis is the state between wakefulness and sleep. A state of relaxation. A condition we know about and are in contact with at least twice a day, namely when we fall asleep and when we wake up. When you are in hypnosis, you open up to beliefs that cannot be accessed through the logical sense. Once when you were a child, you maybe have had an experience that made you excessively afraid, and you associated this experience with an object. This association means anxiety is activated when encountering the object later in life. Therefore, a part of you activates/presses the anxiety button in a given situation. If you, e.g., suffer from excessive anxiety about spiders, heights, planes, and elevators…, you go into a kind of alert state every time you come across these things or something that resembles it.

It would be simple if you could just tell the part that activates the anxiety to stop, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. You cannot tell yourself not to be afraid.
In hypnosis, work is done, i.a., with the part that activates the anxiety. In fact, it is possible in this relaxed, pleasant hypnotic state to get in touch with the elements of us that, to a large extent, expediently or inappropriately control our lives.

With hypnosis, you reach down into this layer of consciousness and work with the cause of your anxiety.
This is why hypnosis has been used for a long time and is a respected and recognized tool against anxiety and phobias.
Today, hypnosis is widely used among doctors, but mainly abroad.

At Therapy & Hypnosis, we work gently and effectively with complex, life-limiting challenging topics such as anxiety and phobias. What used to be an overcoming or something insurmountable becomes something natural and simple. Let me help you move on in life.


Fear of flying is a disability that limits mobility and prevents you from enjoying a stress-free life.

A substantial number of people experience this phobia. Approximately 30% of the Danish population suffers from problems with flying. Fortunately, these hurdles can be overcome effectively with Hypnosis.

Perhaps flying is part of your job, and fear of flying can be the direct handicap for your working day or something you come into contact with 1 to 2 times a year when you are on holiday. The fear of being locked in an airplane without control can affect the lovely holiday the whole family had been looking forward to.

As with other phobias, it is impossible to approach the fear of flying through logic. No matter how many words are used, it does not remove the underlying fear of flying.

The fear of flying may stem from a specific incident, or you may feel that it has ‘always’ been there, or it may have gradually grown out of nowhere. It could be about the fear of losing control, the fear of unfamiliar sounds, the turbulence, or something else.

Hypnosis can remove your fear of flying – Treatment in Copenhagen.

Hypnosis can help eliminate the nervousness and panic you experience in an airplane. You will be able to travel without the anxiety and discomfort that you have encountered before, during, and after the flight.

Hypnosis is an effective tool for removing the fear of flying – I offer Hypnosis for fear of flying at my clinic in central Copenhagen.


Get your sleep back with Hypnosis.
To function optimally, one of the things you need is a good night’s sleep.

Lousy sleep patterns lead to a bad day. Not being able to fall asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, not going back to sleep, or waking up too early negatively affects the whole next day.

With the help of Hypnosis, it is possible to work with what prevents you from sleeping. What blocks your sleep? What bothers you? How do you learn to relax? Stress is one of the biggest culprits of poor sleep. Stress puts your whole body on alert and sets your mind in motion. The thoughts often run in a loop, and you get trapped in the same repetitions.

Sometimes, you have to teach your subconscious the art of sleeping, and you work precisely with the subconscious through Hypnosis.

Let Hypnosis help you sleep well.

History of Hypnosis

Hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy, has a long and fascinating history dating back to ancient civilizations. The concept of hypnosis can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who used it in their sleep temples as a way to cure physical and emotional ailments.
In the 18th century, a Viennese physician named Franz Anton Mesmer introduced the concept of “animal magnetism,” which he believed could be used to heal people through a form of hypnosis. He believed that the body was filled with a fluid that could be manipulated through hypnosis, and he used this method to treat a variety of ailments.
In the 19th century, James Braid, a Scottish physician, coined the term “hypnosis” and developed the concept of hypnotherapy as a way to treat patients suffering from physical and psychological issues. He believed that hypnosis could be used to access the unconscious mind and alter the way a person thought and behaved.
In the 20th century, hypnosis became more widely accepted as a legitimate form of therapy, and it was used to treat a variety of conditions, including addiction, phobias, and pain management.
Today, hypnotherapy is widely recognized as a valid form of treatment and is used by psychologists, therapists, and other healthcare professionals around the world. It is a safe and effective way to help individuals overcome a variety of challenges and improve their overall health and well-being.



What is Psychotherapy?

Individual psychotherapy is a form of mental health treatment that focuses on the individual’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships. It can be an incredibly powerful tool for people struggling with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, and relationship problems.

One of the primary benefits of individual psychotherapy is that it provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts and feelings. It gives people the opportunity to process and understand their experiences and behaviors in a way that is often not possible in other areas of their lives. This can be particularly helpful for people who have experienced trauma or abuse, as it allows them to talk about their experiences in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Individual psychotherapy can also help people to develop coping skills and strategies for dealing with stress and difficult emotions. It can teach people how to identify and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior, which can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being.

Another benefit of individual psychotherapy is that it can help to improve relationships. By exploring and understanding their own thoughts and feelings, individuals can gain insight into their behavior and how it impacts others. This can lead to better communication and more positive interactions with loved ones.

In addition, individual psychotherapy can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. It can help individuals to identify and work towards their goals, leading to a greater sense of purpose and direction in life.

Overall, individual psychotherapy can be an invaluable resource for people looking to improve their mental health and overall well-being. It provides a supportive and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts and feelings, develop coping skills and strategies, improve relationships, and work towards personal growth.

Among other things, I have therapeutic experience in the following:

Low self-esteem
Adults and children from homes with alcohol-related problems

I am a trained, certified ID Psychotherapist from The ID Academy.

ID education integrates different therapeutic directions, i.e., Cognitive, Behavioral, Systemic, Psychodynamic, and Experience-oriented Existential-humanistic psychotherapy methods.
As a Psychotherapist, it gives me many tools in my work, alongside opportunities to meet clients’ various needs in personal crises and challenges.
Therefore, it is sometimes essential to use methods from several therapeutic directions in working with the many different problem sets.

‘Dynamic’ means aiming to meet the clients in flexible, client-oriented psychotherapy. The therapeutic work takes place on the client’s terms in a dynamic process.


Hi Jan,
Hope you’ve had a nice summer!
First of all, I wanted to thank you for the last session focused on removing fear of heights.
I had a number of opportunities to test this, walking up transparent steps on a ship and being totally fine is one of them. 🙂
I would love to leave an official review – please let me know the best way. 🙂
I’d like to address something else, and I think having two more sessions
like we discussed would be good. Can you let me know your next available times?
Thank you.

Hi Jan
Therapy has been a life-changing experience for me.
I’ve learned to manage my anxiety and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
My relationships have improved, and I feel more confident in my daily life.
I cannott recommend you enough!

Thanks for helping me with my fear of flying.
It’s really great.
I have already booked my next two flights
Thanks again 🙂

Hi Jan
Seeing you has transformed my life.
I was struggling with depression, and now I feel more in control of my emotions.
The techniques I’ve learned have helped me stay positive and focused.
It’s the best decision I’ve ever made.
Best regards

After starting therapy, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my
self-esteem and overall well-being.
You helped me uncover and address deep-seated issues that were holding me back.
I feel more empowered now.

Therapy has helped me understand and process my past traumas.
It’s been a challenging journey, but your support and guidance have been invaluable.
I now feel more at peace and optimistic about my future.

Working with you has been incredibly beneficial.
I’ve learned to communicate better with my partner, thanks for that, 🙂 which has strengthened our relationship.
I also feel better equipped to handle my stress.

Before therapy, I felt stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors.
You helped me break that cycle and develop healthier habits.
I’ve gained a new perspective on life and feel more hopeful about my future.

I’ve learned to set boundaries and prioritize self-care.
The insights I’ve gained have led to personal growth and a greater sense of fulfillment.
I highly recommend you to anyone.

I just want to say thank you.
I don’t feel the urge to smoke anymore. Great.




Jeg er bl.a medlem af

Hypnose København - Dansk Psykoterapeutforening Dansk Psykoterapeutforening
ID-Psykoterapeutforeningen - Hypnose KøbenhavnID-Psykoterapeutforeningen
National Guild of Hypnosis - Hypnose KøbenhavnNational Guild of Hypnosis

Med hypnose kan du afhjælpes med bl.a.:

Fysisk træthed
Uforklarlig tristhed
Øget brug af stimulanser
Kan være advarselstegn på stress.
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Angst for at miste kontrollen
Ubestemmelig angst
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Overdreven angst for edderkopper
Har du flyskræk
Er du bange for lukkede rum
Har du højdeskræk
Lider du af overdreven angst for slanger
Hypnose kan hjælpe.
4028 9010